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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What A Strange Man

Mr. Antolini was a married man, so you can imagine my suprise of how I was woken up when I tried to spend the night at his house recently. When I arrived at the door, he greeted me openly and warmly, with good humor and all that other stuff. I informed him about how I had been kicked out of Pencey, and he didn't find it to be good news. He kept saying, something like, "so you and Pencey are no longer one" like he was trying to rub the fact that I failed in my Goddamn face or something. We talked for awhile and then I became very tired, I tried not to yawn but could not help it. When he saw how tired I was he offered me the couch to sleep on. While I was getting ready for bed, he also asked me how my 'women' were. He asked about Sally and said she was a good looking girl and all. So it would suprise you even more when I tell you that I woke up to Mr. Antolini sitting there in the dark, next to where I was sleeping, patting me on the head. I got up and quickly excused myself, and left in a hurry. The whole time Mr. Antolini kept telling me how I was a 'strange kid.' I think he may need to be registered on this website I found. www.sexoffenders.com It tells a reader where sex offenders are in realtion who where you live, and gives you free background checks on anyone you want to search.

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